Narratives for Europe: Reading Room - Svetla Kazalarska

Svetla Kazalarska

has been recently awarded a Ph.D. degree (2011) in Cultural Anthropology by the “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia. Her dissertation explores the difficult relationships between history and memory at the newly established museums of communism in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989. Her research interests are spread across several fields: post-communist memory and historiography, urban anthropology of the post-communist cities, visual studies and contemporary art histories.

Re-drawing the Art Map of “New Europe”

"Notwithstanding the long asserted crisis of the legitimacy of metanarratives, the “battle” of the narratives for Europe is still being fought on all fronts."

Since 1989, art exhibitions have been at the forefront of the battle for new European narratives, and narratives about the art of Europe’s former East have been proliferating. In this essay (PDF), Svetla Kazalarska discusses the curatorial strategies in exhibitions of modern and contemporary visual art from Central and Eastern Europe, and identifies the different narratives that have recently been brought into play. She argues that these exhibitions may be examined as powerful tools for re-mapping the art geography of the ‘New Europe’.

Narratives for Europe Reading Room

We invite you to read the contributions from journalists, researchers, writers who are, as we, investigating and questioning European Narratives and their making in the present and the future.