Media Coverage - Re:Creating Europe

  • De gevolgen van directe democratie worden onderschat (Interview with Ivan Krastev), Janne Chaudron in Trouw, 09/04/2016.
  • Vrijheid, gelijkheid, broederschap? De macht aan het volk? Weinig van terechtgekomen, Thomas Vanheste in De Correspondent, 25/05/2016.
  • Jude Law speelt mee in theatervoorstelling Ivo van Hove in Amsterdam, Hein Janssen in de Volkskrant, 17/05/2016
  • Het populisme groeit, de integratie faalt. Kan cultuur Europa binden?, Roderick Nieuwenhuis in NRC, 26/05/2016
  • Cultuur als Europese Kracht, Daan van Lent in NRC, 26/05/2016
  • 'Kunst kan rol spelen bij politieke verandering in Europa', Michiel Goudswaard in FD, 3/06/2016
  • Koolhaas geeft Europa terug tijdens marathoninterview in De Balie, Kirsten Hannema in de Volkskrant, 3/06/2016
  • nooit meer slapen met o.a. Roy Villevoye, Robby Müller en Daphne Bunskoek, VPRO, 3/06/2016
  • Europa se enfrenta a sus demonios, Borja Hermoso in El País, 3/06/2016
  • Looking to the cultural world to solve Europe’s problems, by Nina Siegal in The International New York Times, 8/06/2016

Re:Thinking Europe - Thoughts on Europe: Past, Present and Future

What are the characteristics of European culture and identity? In which way can culture contribute to the current crisis of meaning within the EU and Europe? And should we return to the discourse of culture and historical experience in order to find a common ground for Europe? In the run-up to the European Culture Forum, we have been supporting our partners De Balie and Dutch Culture in publishing the anthology Re:Thinking Europe, on these urgent questions.

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Provide Them With The Tools - Arts and Culture in Times of Conflict

The Forum on European Culture was launched in De Balie in Amsterdam with the debate Art and Culture in Conflict. That growing wave of anxiety and conflict was reflected by the three speakers, Vasyl Cherepanyn, director of the Visual Culture Research Centre in Kiev (and 2015 ECF Princess Margriet Award laureate); Dessy Gavrilova, founding director of The Red House centre for culture and debate in Sofia; and artist and curator Poka-Yio, co-founder and co-director of the Athens Biennale (also 2015 ECF Princess Margriet Award laureate). Journalist Catriona Black reports back for ECF. 

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