TANDEM Dialogue for Change

Ukraine is a country in turmoil; major social and political changes, including for example internal migration resulting from the ongoing conflict situation, have a high impact on the understanding and communication between different groups and regions in the country. Recent developments have intensified tensions in an already divided society. Now, more than ever, there is an urgent need to promote social cohesion and support the search for mutual understanding. Arts and culture can play a crucial role as a uniting force between people.*

The new TANDEM programme “Dialogue for Change” is based on our belief that, especially in times of crisis and transition, working together on tangible cross-border collaborations supports not only dialogue, but also allows for the development of new forms of civic engagement, supporting a process of social transformation. 

Our new TANDEM programme offers cultural and civil society organisations a platform for long-term cooperation between change agents from Ukraine and the 28 EU member states to strengthen their capacities in community development and conflict resolution through the arts. The dynamic, intensive one-year programme includes expert impulses, peer-to-peer exchange, work placements, study visits and network meetings. It gives participating organisations the opportunity to co-create an innovative, interdisciplinary pilot project, which enhances processes of community and social transformation and strengthens local democratic dialogue. Participating organisations join the growing pan-European TANDEM network of cultural change makers. 

TANDEM “Dialogue for Change” builds on the experience of the pilot scheme TANDEM Ukraine – EU – Moldova (2011-2012) and is implemented in the framework of the MitOst/UNAEDI project “Dialogue for Change” that aims to strengthen civil society actors in Ukraine.

The current TANDEM programme kick-starts a collaboration process for Ukrainian cultural and civil society organisations and their counterparts from the European Union, resulting in a lasting network of knowledge exchange in community development, conflict resolution and democratic dialogue through the arts. Bringing European makers into the participating organisations and communities supports a process of reflection and innovation, equipping participants with new skills and formats to deal with on-going changes and challenges in their communities and societies.

* To know more about the current situation in the Ukrainian cultural sector, please read the More Europe policy paper "The Power of Culture in Reconciliation in the Ukraine Crisis" by Dr. Olga Burlyuk.