The Dwarfing of Europe? event

Europeans have to revise their mental maps about the emerging powers.
— Professor Rajendra K. Jain, Chairman and Professor at the Centre for European Studies, India

ECF, De Balie and Tilburg University organised ‘The Dwarfing of Europe?’ as Europe cannot just reflect on itself without considering the context of a shifting global environment.  On the backdrop of the ongoing crisis stretching far beyond the financial, the prevailing skepticism towards the European project and the urge to look into the mirrors that the BIC countries can offer us, ECF and partners organised this timely dialogue.

If Europe is being dwarfed, it only has itself to blame.
— Key note speaker Drs. Renée Jones-Bos, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands

We organised two days of exchange and discussion about renewed visions of Europe with renowned speakers from Brazil, India, China and Europe. The event was composed of two public debates and one closed seminar for international experts. Read the interview with one speaker, Rajendra Jain in the Dutch newspaper Trouw, discussing ECF and looking at Europe from an Indian perspective -  what we can learn from each other?

Yes, it’s a difficult time for Europe but it isn’t the end of the world.
— Cui Hongjian, Director of the Department for European Studies, China Institute of International Studies, Beijing, China

The first public debate on May 22nd focused  on the social-cultural developments of the shifting powers; the perceptions and expectations on Europe by the international researchers from Brazil, China and India. 

The second on May 23rd zoomed in on  Europe’s position in a globalised world and the socio-cultural consequences for the European societies. 

Download a journalistic report on 'The Dwarfing of Europe?' in English or Dutch, or watch in-depth interviews with the speakers:

The speakers present were (see the links for interviews with some speakers):
Drs. Renée Jones-Bos, The Netherlands // Dr. Cui Hongjian, China // Professor Cristina Soreanu Pecequilo, Brazil // Raj Isar, France // Karine Lisbonne-de Vergeron, UK // Professor Rajendra K. Jain, India // Professor Paul Scheffer, The Netherlands  // Fokke Obbema, The Netherlands // Ranabir Samaddar, India // Magnólia Costa, Brazil // Jian Shi, China. Their detailed profiles can be found here.

This timely and crucial event was organised in cooperation with the Fritt Ord Foundation. The two day event – initiated by ECF’s Odile Chenal - also marked her departure from ECF after more than two decades in being behind many of our programmes and strategic planning.