Why Europe needs TANDEM?

In his closing remarks for the TANDEM panel discussion at IPPEA on 20 June 2014, Franco Bianchini (Professor of Cultural Policy, Leeds Metropolitan University), placed TANDEM in the current European political and socio-economic context. Prof. Bianchini's analysis leads to the conclusion that the programme’s relevance lies is the support and development of an active community of cultural change makers across Europe.

"...in this really difficult economic political context, I consider the work of TANDEM and other European participatory cultural practitioners in Europe [...] crucial, because they can respond to populist simplifications,..."

You watch the full video (5min6) below. 

For further information about the conference visit the TANDEM website.

This programme is an initiative of the Dutch Cultural Participation Fund (FCP) and European Cultural Foundation (ECF), implemented by MitOst e.V. in partnership with the British Council and the Dutch Centre of Expertise for Cultural Education and Amateur Arts (LKCA).

Source: http://tandemexchange.eu/about-tandem/comm...