Another Europe: the Book

Since our beginnings in the 1950s, ECF has been pursuing the idea of a Europe that goes beyond historical, cultural and political borders and proposes new ways of doing things. The Europe ECF imagines extends well beyond the EU, embracing the countries that touch our borders to the east and to the south. These guiding principles run through the pages of our new publication Another Europe, which brings together a treasure trove of insights and experiences from partners and participants working with us in the European Neighbourhood over the past 15 years. 

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Towards a New Pact for Europe: Second Report

As one of the partners in the New Pact for Europe initiative to foster and promote the European debate, we would like to share the second report of the New Pact for Europe project: Towards a New Pact for Europe.

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New Pact for Europe: Strategic Options for Europe's Future - a report

As one of the partners in the New Pact for Europe initiative to foster and promote the European debate, we would like to share the first report of the New Pact for Europe project: "Strategic Options for Europe's Future". 

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Arts Management in Turbulent Times

Arts Management in Turbulent Times - Adaptable Quality Management, written by Milena Dragicevic Šesic and Sanjin Dragojevica, is a practical guide on Arts Management in regions in transition. Published in 2005, it is an important source for arts managers, cultural operators, cultural policy makers and others working in the field.

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Remappings - The Making of European Narratives

Remappings – The Making of European Narratives publication is a collection of essays on the changing narratives of Europe, accompanied by comic strips by up-and-coming European comic talents. 

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Diversities in Perspective

Diversities in Perspective, essays written by Ghislaine Glasson Deschaumes with the ECF, (2007/2008). These essays give a reflection on cultural cooperation between the EU and its neighbouring regions. The collection of essays is available for download in English and French.

A Cultural Dimension to the EU’s External Policies - from Policy Statements to Practice and Potential

This is the second part of a preliminary examination to ascertain whether there is sufficient interest in Member States, and if the preconditions exist, for the development of a coherent cultural dimension to EU external policies. It builds on an initial literature and web based survey conducted by the Boekman Foundation. Its tasks has been to verify whether the reasonably encouraging findings that emerged from the first study were true in practice, by interrogating stakeholders in six diverse EU counties: Denmark, France, Latvia, Poland, Portugal and the UK.

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A Cultural Component as an Integral Part of the EU’s Foreign Policy?

The goal of this survey has been to collect and examine documents on the external cooperation policies of the European Union and its MemberStates with third countries in the field of culture. This has been done in order to assess the degree to which EU Member States support the strengthening of the cultural components of the EU’s external relations and foreign policy.

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The Heart of the Matter - The Role of the Arts and Culture in the Balkans´ European Integration,

This publication is the result of reflection which took place in 2005 and has since led to the setting up of a Balkan Incentive Fund for Culture (the Balkans Arts and Culture Fund since July 2013).

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